Ever since the dawn of computer programming, there have been those of us who have decided to put their skills to more nefarious uses. In the past century, computer code with an annoying and sometimes destructive payload became known as a ‘computer virus’, sparking public fear and sometimes even mass hysteria – notable examples included Code Red and BugBear, to name a few.
While viruses are still truly alive and kicking today, irritating programs have since branched out into countless different forms and specialties and are known collectively as malware. Unlike malicious programs of the past few decades – destructive for their own sake – modern malware is often a key moneymaking tool for scammers and other computer criminals. Its effects can range in severity from the occasional unwanted popup window to outright identity theft.
In this article, we’ll cover the main types of malware that you’ll come across in your use of the Internet. This list is in no way exhaustive, but it should give you a good idea of the security landscape.